Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Poem

I don't have a title yet..and I may end up changing it some's a poem I've written recently-ish:
There's beauty in your flawless plans
I place my life into your hands
Though I'm forgetfull and sometimes fight
If I surrender it'll turn out right
Help me to follow without question or doubt
I want you to be what my life is about
Allow my love for you to show
And everyone to see it grow
I want my life to be a light
Help me to choose to do what's right


emily said...

Very nice. Keep up the good work!

Rosemary Hodges said...

Your poetry is much better than any I have written. Keep it up and when you get an inspiration follow it. I do wish I could find all or my "Beatlebury Tales" I wrote in high school for an English project. Of course, you and your Mom and Dad too are too young to know much about The Beatles, a musical group popular when I was in high school.

Granny Rose

Pete Dunker said...

I think that is an awesome poem . . .might we all give God our all!