Saturday, June 2, 2012

Discovering God’s Design for Women (“Lady-Magic”)

“Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.” These are “the words of king Lemuel [part of] an oracle his mother taught him.” Only a few verses later the description of an excellent wife is begun. I believe this passage is used to convey the need for great caution in the women a male allows to have any part in his life, but why? The truth is women can have a big influence on men, I think much more than we realize, and all through Genesis you can see examples of how women abuse that gift. Let’s look at a few:
It begins of course with the fall, when Eve first decides the apple looks good to eat and then tells her husband to try it. Genesis 3:1-6.
                Then Sarai (later to become Sarah) reveals her lack of faith in God’s ability to keep his promise when she sends her female servant in to Abram (Abraham), in hopes that her servant will have a child on behalf of Sarai. Abram listens to his wife. Genesis 16:1-2.
                In Genesis 27:5-13 it is Rebekah that tells Jacob to deceive his father to get Esau’s blessing, and the she manipulates her husband to protect Jacob in 27:41-28:2.
                Now I don’t mean to be negative, most of these people have also set good examples for us to follow, but I think we can learn something from their mistakes. This reveals how careful we need to be that we don’t make the same mistakes that have been repeated again and again. Women are prone to use their influence for evil, but surely this was not what God intended. I believe this “lady-magic” that we possess was given to us, by God, for a much greater reason – To strengthen, encourage, and inspire our men to be better leaders. We must learn to use it that way. This is something we were created for. Let’s make it our goal to gently push others towards God, not something sinful and not ourselves.
“The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life.”
~Proverbs 31:11-12~

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