Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Poem

A Gift
In Christmas rush,
There's a point that we miss,
A great and wonderful,
Priceless Gift
A Gift from God,
A King from above,
A Son sent down,
In immeasurable love
This is something
We tend to forget,
When our focus is on
What we will get
We should think of our blessings,
The best Gift of all,
We can listen to God,
We can follow His call
He's given us hope:
A life spent with Him
He's given us weapons:
Freedom from sin
So in Christmas rush
don't allow the point missed,
Of God's perfect love,
Of God's priceless gift

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Prayer for Repair

This has been my prayer just about every night for the past week-ish. It has been a cycle that I don't know how to stop; I don't even know why I feel like I'm in a valley. I don't mind though. I talk to God and he comforts me. I'm glad something good seems to have come from it. I hope this bring comfort to anyone else who may be going through the same thing.
Here at Your Feet
Here in the valley I cry to you Lord,
I've fallen from a mountain and must be restored,
I call to you now my Savior and King,
Remove my burden and let me be free.
Here I am broken, now at your feet,
Providing a task only you can complete,
To restore my brokenness, to put me together,
To make something beautiful come from my failure.
I've been defeated, crushed past repair,
Only you who moves mountains can answer my prayer,
But I'm not alone, others made it through,
Paul "despaired even of life", and you did too.
So here in the valley I cry to my love,
Remembering all is under, and you are above,
Reminding me everything is all for the best,
Here at your feet is the place I will rest.
2 Corinthians 1:8 is when Paul talked about being under so much persecution that he "despaired even of life", and in Matthew 26:38 Jesus told some of his disciples, as he was going to pray, that he was "overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death". I found it encouraging that even they had been through difficult times and made it through, and wanted to give you the references for if you wanted to look these verses up.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Latest Poem

All in the dungeon down below
The dreadful dark dungeon that's without hope
Blind among blind with dark all around
Tripping and stumbling each falls to the ground
Unaware they're imperceptive, unable to see
Each chooses his path thinking "What's in it for me?"
Drawn by the one who prowls like a lion
Where bondage is certain and hope is forgotten
Uninformed of their captor they see him as friend
And with empty promises he leads them to their end
I morn for these people unable to see
The joy that they're missing and grace that they need
I am no greater for I was once there
Trapped in the darkness, blind, unaware
But by His grace my King comes to save
He showed me His love and said "Run the race"
All that I do I do it for Him
He's taking over, I willingly end
Here at His altar I offer myself
"I give you what's yours; I can do nothing else"
As for the blind it's this that I pray
That they'd find the Savior and with him they'd stay
That they'd follow him always with all of their heart
This is the journey and now is the start
We must be alert for a war is occurring
But do not lose hope for we know the ending
Open your eyes you who stumble through darkness
Lay down your burdens, no longer be captives
Know the time's coming and will be here soon
When all will be judged based on the truth
This had really been burdening my heart. How there are so many people who so blindly rejected God without even giving him a chance. So many Christians who "put on a show" pretending that they love God, but do they even give him a second of their time? I'm in no place to judge anyone because I did that for so many years, and still have a lot to learn, but I morn for them because they don't see what they're missing. It is time for us all to wake up! Open our eyes and see that is is our duty to surrender to God. The more I surrender to him the more I see how absolutely wonderful it is to surrender, and I pray that every one can experience the joy of dying to themselves and living for God.